#Machiavelli 1 Expansion of States #Rev. 2. Nov 22nd 2003. XXXXXX, l0. xxx Albania, x1. alb alban Ancona, x1P anc ancon Aquila, N0f aqu aquil Arezzo, x1f are arezz Bari, N1P bar Bay of Tunis, w0. bot cms cmed cm Bergamo, x0f ber berga Bologna, I1f bol bolog Bosnia, x0. bos bosni Brescia, x0f bre bresc Capua, N0. cap Carniola, x1. crn carni Como, I0. com Corsica, x1p cor corsi Cremona, I1f cre cremo Croatia, x1. cro croat Dalmatia, V1. dal dalma Durazzo, x1P dur duraz Eastern Gulf of Lyons, w0. egl egol lig lis ls Eastern Tyrrhenian Sea, w0. ets Ferrara, x1f fer ferra Florence, L3f flo flore Fornova, x0f for forno Friuli, x0. fri friul Genoa, I3P gen Gulf of Naples, w0. gon Herzegovina, x0. her herze Ionian Sea, w0. ion is ios Istria, x0. ist istri Lower Adriatic Sea, w0. low las la Lucca, x1f luc Mantua, x1f man mantu Messina, x1P mes messi Milan, I3f mil Modena, x1f mod moden Montferrat, x1f mon montf Naples, N2P nap naple Otranto, N0. otr otran Padua, x1f pad Palermo, x1P pal paler Parma, x0f par Patrimony, x0f pat patri Pavia, I1f pav Perugia, x1f per perug Piancenza, x0f pia pianc piace piacenza Piombino, x1P pio piomb Pisa, L1P psa Pistoia, L0. pst pisto Pontremoli, x0. pon pontr Ragusa, V1P rag ragus Romagna, x0f rma romag Rome, x2f rme Salerno, N0P slr saler Saluzzo, x1f slz saluz Sardinia, x1p sar sardi Savoy, x1P sav Siena, x1f sie sienna sienn Slavonia, x0. sla slavo Spoleto, x0f spo spole Tivoli, x0P tiv tivol Trent, x1f trt Treviso, x1f trv trevi Tunis, x2P tun Turin, x1f tur Upper Adriatic Sea, w0. uas upp ua Urbino, x0f urb urbin Lagoon, w0. lag lagoo Venice, V3PV ven venic Verona, x0f ver veron Vicenza, x0f vic vicen Western Gulf of Lyons, w0. wgl wgol Western Mediterranean, w0. wms wme wmed wm Western Tyrrhenian Sea, w0. wts -1 xxx-mv: xxx alb-mv: rag her dur alb-xc: rag las dur anc-mv: rma aqu urb spo anc-xc: rma aqu uas las aqu-mv: anc spo cap nap slr bar aqu-xc: anc bar las are-mv: flo urb per sie bar-mv: aqu otr slr bar-xc: aqu las otr bot-xc: wms pal ion tun ber-mv: mil trt bre cre bol-mv: man fer rma flo pst luc mod bol-xc: fer uas rma bos-mv: cro her dal bre-mv: ber trt ver man cre cap-mv: spo aqu nap tiv cap-xc: tiv nap gon crn-mv: sla cro fri crn-xc: cro/nc uas fri com-mv: mil pav tur cor-xc: egl wts wgl cre-mv: mil ber bre man par pia cro-mv: crn sla bos dal ist cro-nc: crn ist uas cro-sc: dal ist dal-mv: cro bos her ist dal-xc: cro/sc her las uas ist dur-mv: alb dur-xc: las alb ion egl-xc: sav gen mod luc psa wts cor wgl ets-xc: psa/cc pio sie pat tiv gon mes pal wts ets-cc: psa fer-mv: man ver pad bol fer-xc: pad uas bol flo-mv: bol rma urb are sie psa pst for-mv: pav pia par pon gen mon fri-mv: crn trv vic fri-xc: crn uas lag trv gen-mv: sav mon for pon mod gen-xc: sav mod egl gon-xc: tiv cap nap slr otr ion/cc mes ets gon-cc: ion her-mv: bos alb rag dal her-xc: rag las dal ion-xc: otr las dur bot pal gon/cc mes ion-cc: gon ist-mv: cro dal ist-xc: uas cro/nc cro/sc dal low-xc: uas dal her rag alb dur ion otr bar aqu anc luc-mv: mod bol pst psa luc-xc: mod psa egl man-mv: cre bre ver fer bol mod par mes-mv: pal mes-xc: ets gon ion pal mil-mv: com trt ber cre pia pav mod-mv: gen pon par man bol luc mod-xc: gen luc egl mon-mv: tur pav for gen sav nap-mv: cap aqu slr nap-xc: cap slr gon otr-mv: slr bar otr-xc: gon slr bar las ion pad-mv: ver vic trv fer pad-xc: trv lag uas fer pal-mv: mes pal-xc: wts ets mes ion bot wms par-mv: pia cre man mod pon for pat-mv: sie per rme tiv pat-xc: sie tiv ets pav-mv: com mil pia for mon tur per-mv: are urb spo rme pat sie pia-mv: pav mil cre par for pio-mv: psa sie pio-xc: wts psa sie ets psa-mv: luc pst flo sie pio psa-xc: egl luc ets/cc pio wts psa-cc: ets pst-mv: luc bol flo psa pon-mv: for par mod gen rag-mv: her alb rag-xc: her alb las rma-mv: bol anc urb flo rma-xc: bol uas anc rme-mv: per spo tiv pat slr-mv: nap aqu bar otr slr-xc: nap otr gon slz-mv: tur sav sar-xc: wgl wts wms sav-mv: slz tur mon gen sav-xc: gen egl sie-mv: pio psa flo are per pat sie-xc: pio pat ets sla-mv: cro crn spo-mv: per urb anc aqu cap tiv rme tiv-mv: pat rme spo cap tiv-xc: pat cap gon ets trt-mv: mil vic ver bre ber trv-mv: vic fri pad trv-xc: fri lag pad tun-xc: wms bot tur-mv: com pav mon sav slz uas-xv: fer pad lag fri crn cro/nc ist dal las uas-xc: anc rma bol urb-mv: flo rma anc spo per are lag-xc: pad trv fri uas ven ven-xc: lag ver-mv: bre trt vic pad fer man vic-mv: trt fri trv pad ver wgl-xc: egl cor wts sar wms wms-xc: wgl sar wts pal bot tun wts-xc: cor egl psa pio ets pal wms sar wgl -1 Famine: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 2: ----- ----- ----- Patri Moden ----- Corsi Ancon ----- ----- ----- 3: ----- Piomb ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Tunis ----- ----- Paler 4: Tivol ----- Otran Padua ----- Cremo Pontr ----- Herze ----- ----- 5: Friul ----- Bolog Saler Veron ----- Milan Siena ----- ----- Duraz 6: ----- Ragus Vicen ----- Berga Pisto Spole ----- Pianc ----- ----- 7: ----- Bari Slavo Montf Urbin Forno ----- Como Trent ----- ----- 8: Ferra ----- Rome Pavia ----- ----- Arezz Bresc Saluz Alban Genoa 9: ----- ----- Croat ----- Flore Turin Mantu Capua Trevi ----- ----- 10: Savoy ----- Sardi ----- Parma Bosni ----- ----- Naple Romag Dalma 11: ----- ----- Venic ----- ----- ----- ----- Carni ----- Messi ----- 12: ----- ----- ----- Pisa Aquil ----- Lucca ----- Istri ----- ----- Plague: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 2: Vicen ----- ----- ----- Carni ----- ----- ----- ----- Montf Capua 3: Pontr Bosni Slavo ----- ----- ----- Croat ----- Tivol Bari ----- 4: Savoy ----- ----- Friul ----- Rome ----- ----- Pavia ----- ----- 5: ----- Saler Veron ----- Dalma Lucca Bolog ----- ----- ----- ----- 6: ----- ----- Turin Siena Messi Padua ----- Ferra ----- ----- ----- 7: Paler ----- Genoa Alban Pisa Tunis ----- Milan ----- ----- Sardi 8: Duraz ----- Naple Moden Perug Cremo Venic Flore ----- ----- ----- 9: ----- Berga Ancon Parma ----- ----- ----- ----- Mantu Istri ----- 10: Romag ----- ----- Urbin ----- ----- ----- ----- Trevi ----- Como 11: Pianc Forno ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Otran ----- Aquil Spole 12: Trent Herze ----- Bresc ----- ----- ----- Corsi ----- Patri Saluz Variable Income: City dice 1 2 3 4 5 6 Florence 1 1 2 3 3 4 5 Milan 1 2 3 3 4 4 5 Naples 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 Rome 1 2 3 3 4 5 6 Venice 1 2 3 3 4 4 5 # End of Variable Income. Ownership (city) ordering: tur slz sav cor gen mon pav cre mil trt crn cro dal trv pad ven man fer mod luc psa flo pio sie are bol per rme anc nap bar mes pal sar tun dur alb rag #End of center ordering Center (province) order for summary report: bosni herze ragus alban duraz tunis sardi paler messi otran bari saler naple aquil capua tivol spole ancon patri rome perug urbin romag bolog siena piomb arezz flore pisa pisto lucca corsi turin saluz savoy montf genoa moden pontr parma forno pianc pavia como milan cremo trent mantu ferra berga bresc padua veron vicen venic trevi friul istri dalma croat carni slavo #End of province ordering Storms: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 2: ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- uas 3: ----- ----- wgl ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- bot ----- ----- 4: ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- gon ----- 5: ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 6: ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 7: ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 8: ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 9: ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ets 10: ----- ion ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- wme ----- 11: ----- ----- las ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- egl ----- ----- 12: wts ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -1