Greetings from the Diplomacy* Adjudicator!! Feb. 22, 2003. Info.macheos* For rule differences between Machiavelli and Diplomacy, see the file "rules.machiavelli". Machiavelli Classic Setup The Expansion of States Machiavelli scenario starts in 1385 with four powers. After that the italian cities (city-states) have removed themselves from the control of the Holy Roman Empire four major powers dominate the peninsula. The Papacy is not part of the game because of the "Great Schism". (Notes: Naples was in reality on the verge of collapsing and beset by the Crown of Aragon -- which controlled Sicily and parts of Sardinia -- and the french Angevines. Aragon gained control of the mainland by 1442, even if the french would continue campaigning until the beginning of the 16th century. Also Milan is still not at its apex, but the game designers choose to make it *very* strong. And it is very easy for Milan to win !!) The powers and their initial starting locations and owned provinces are: L: Florence A-Florence, F-Pisa, A-Pistoia I: Milan A-Bologna, Como, A-Cremona, F-Genoa, A-Milan, A-Pavia N: Naples A-Aquila, A-Bari, Capua, F-Naples, Otranto, F-Salerno V: Venice F-Dalmatia, G-Venice, F-Ragusa x: Autonomous Garrisoned fortified cities: G-Ancona, G-Arezzo, G-Durazzo, G-Ferrara, G-Lucca, G-Mantua, G-Modena, G-Messina, G-Montferrat, G-Padua, G-Palermo, G-Perugia, G-Piombino, G-Rome, G-Saluzzo, G-Savoy, G-Siena, G-Trent, G-Treviso, G-Tunis, G-Turin Garrisoned fortresses: G-Bergamo, G-Brescia, G-Fornova, G-Parma, G-Patrimony, G-Piancenza, G-Romagna, G-Spoleto, G-Tivoli, G-Urbino, G-Verona, G-Vicenza Note that the single letter abbreviations for the powers Milan, I, and Florence, L, are the second letter of the name rather than the first to avoid conflicts with the Master and France. These letters are used for signing on and for sending individual press messages. Special rules: The fortresses are by default used in this scenario. These provinces are impassable: Avignon, Marseille, Provence, Swiss, Austria, Carinthia, Hungary and Tyrolea. All powers have each one die roll for variable income. The player who controls Rome also gets one die roll for var. income. Notice that there are no Turkish or Papal home countries available for conquest. Default victory conditions: The first player to control at least 15 cities and have control of at least two power's original home countries (eg: his own and one other player's) is declared the winner. ----- * Avalon Hill, Machiavelli and Diplomacy are trademarks of Hasbro Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission. REVISION HISTORY v1b, Feb 22nd 2003. Final release version. By Sergio Lidsell.